When I was married, I was gifted real flower jewelry on my Mehndi. The pieces were pretty, but in hindsight, not something I would choose again. The flowers on my necklace were bulky and covered my outfit. The earrings were heavy; in fact, they were so heavy, the wire they were threaded on could not support the weight and I wore a broken earring all night! Not to mention my sore ears the next day. My bracelets were shedding petals with every move making me self-conscious when greeting guests and dancing. As I searched for a solution for my friends’ weddings, I fell in love with silk flower jewelry! As an avid crafter, I began creating sets and immediately wanted to offer this stunning solution to wedding parties around the world!

Why Silk Flowers?

Silk and paper flowers are eye-catching!  Faux flowers are looking more and more realistic and the range of flowers continues to grow. We have highlighted just a few more reasons below: